In recent years, large amounts of effort have been put into pushing forward the real-world application of dynamic digital human (DDH). However, most current quality assessment research focuses on evaluating static 3D models and usually ignores motion distortions. Therefore, in this paper, we construct a large-scale dynamic digital human quality assessment (DDH-QA) database with diverse motion content as well as multiple distortions to comprehensively study the perceptual quality of DDHs. Both model-based distortion (noise, compression) and motion-based distortion (binding error, motion unnaturalness) are taken into consideration. Ten types of common motion are employed to drive the DDHs and a total of 800 DDHs are generated in the end. Afterward, we render the video sequences of the distorted DDHs as the evaluation media and carry out a well-controlled subjective experiment. Then a benchmark experiment is conducted with the state-of-the-art video quality assessment (VQA) methods and the experimental results show that existing VQA methods are limited in assessing the perceptual loss of DDHs. The database will be made publicly available to facilitate future research.
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Recently, over-height vehicle strike frequently occurs, causing great economic cost and serious safety problems. Hence, an alert system which can accurately discover any possible height limiting devices in advance is necessary to be employed in modern large or medium sized cars, such as touring cars. Detecting and estimating the height limiting devices act as the key point of a successful height limit alert system. Though there are some works research height limit estimation, existing methods are either too computational expensive or not accurate enough. In this paper, we propose a novel stereo-based pipeline named SHLE for height limit estimation. Our SHLE pipeline consists of two stages. In stage 1, a novel devices detection and tracking scheme is introduced, which accurately locate the height limit devices in the left or right image. Then, in stage 2, the depth is temporally measured, extracted and filtered to calculate the height limit device. To benchmark the height limit estimation task, we build a large-scale dataset named "Disparity Height", where stereo images, pre-computed disparities and ground-truth height limit annotations are provided. We conducted extensive experiments on "Disparity Height" and the results show that SHLE achieves an average error below than 10cm though the car is 70m away from the devices. Our method also outperforms all compared baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code is available at
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State-of-the-art 3D semantic segmentation models are trained on the off-the-shelf public benchmarks, but they often face the major challenge when these well-trained models are deployed to a new domain. In this paper, we propose an Active-and-Adaptive Segmentation (ADAS) baseline to enhance the weak cross-domain generalization ability of a well-trained 3D segmentation model, and bridge the point distribution gap between domains. Specifically, before the cross-domain adaptation stage begins, ADAS performs an active sampling operation to select a maximally-informative subset from both source and target domains for effective adaptation, reducing the adaptation difficulty under 3D scenarios. Benefiting from the rise of multi-modal 2D-3D datasets, ADAS utilizes a cross-modal attention-based feature fusion module that can extract a representative pair of image features and point features to achieve a bi-directional image-point feature interaction for better safe adaptation. Experimentally, ADAS is verified to be effective in many cross-domain settings including: 1) Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA), which means that all samples from target domain are unlabeled; 2) Unsupervised Few-shot Domain Adaptation (UFDA) which means that only a few unlabeled samples are available in the unlabeled target domain; 3) Active Domain Adaptation (ADA) which means that the selected target samples by ADAS are manually annotated. Their results demonstrate that ADAS achieves a significant accuracy gain by easily coupling ADAS with self-training methods or off-the-shelf UDA works.
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Multi-modal and multi-hop question answering aims to answer a question based on multiple input sources from different modalities. Previous methods retrieve the evidence separately and feed the retrieved evidence to a language model to generate the corresponding answer. However, these methods fail to build connections between candidates and thus cannot model the inter-dependent relation during retrieval. Moreover, the reasoning process over multi-modality candidates can be unbalanced without building alignments between different modalities. To address this limitation, we propose a Structured Knowledge and Unified Retrieval Generation based method (SKURG). We align the sources from different modalities via the shared entities and map them into a shared semantic space via structured knowledge. Then, we utilize a unified retrieval-generation decoder to integrate intermediate retrieval results for answer generation and adaptively determine the number of retrieval steps. We perform experiments on two multi-modal and multi-hop datasets: WebQA and MultimodalQA. The results demonstrate that SKURG achieves state-of-the-art performance on both retrieval and answer generation.
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Deep neural operators can learn nonlinear mappings between infinite-dimensional function spaces via deep neural networks. As promising surrogate solvers of partial differential equations (PDEs) for real-time prediction, deep neural operators such as deep operator networks (DeepONets) provide a new simulation paradigm in science and engineering. Pure data-driven neural operators and deep learning models, in general, are usually limited to interpolation scenarios, where new predictions utilize inputs within the support of the training set. However, in the inference stage of real-world applications, the input may lie outside the support, i.e., extrapolation is required, which may result to large errors and unavoidable failure of deep learning models. Here, we address this challenge of extrapolation for deep neural operators. First, we systematically investigate the extrapolation behavior of DeepONets by quantifying the extrapolation complexity via the 2-Wasserstein distance between two function spaces and propose a new behavior of bias-variance trade-off for extrapolation with respect to model capacity. Subsequently, we develop a complete workflow, including extrapolation determination, and we propose five reliable learning methods that guarantee a safe prediction under extrapolation by requiring additional information -- the governing PDEs of the system or sparse new observations. The proposed methods are based on either fine-tuning a pre-trained DeepONet or multifidelity learning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework for various types of parametric PDEs. Our systematic comparisons provide practical guidelines for selecting a proper extrapolation method depending on the available information, desired accuracy, and required inference speed.
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Directly training a document-to-document (Doc2Doc) neural machine translation (NMT) via Transformer from scratch, especially on small datasets usually fails to converge. Our dedicated probing tasks show that 1) both the absolute position and relative position information gets gradually weakened or even vanished once it reaches the upper encoder layers, and 2) the vanishing of absolute position information in encoder output causes the training failure of Doc2Doc NMT. To alleviate this problem, we propose a position-aware Transformer (P-Transformer) to enhance both the absolute and relative position information in both self-attention and cross-attention. Specifically, we integrate absolute positional information, i.e., position embeddings, into the query-key pairs both in self-attention and cross-attention through a simple yet effective addition operation. Moreover, we also integrate relative position encoding in self-attention. The proposed P-Transformer utilizes sinusoidal position encoding and does not require any task-specified position embedding, segment embedding, or attention mechanism. Through the above methods, we build a Doc2Doc NMT model with P-Transformer, which ingests the source document and completely generates the target document in a sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) way. In addition, P-Transformer can be applied to seq2seq-based document-to-sentence (Doc2Sent) and sentence-to-sentence (Sent2Sent) translation. Extensive experimental results of Doc2Doc NMT show that P-Transformer significantly outperforms strong baselines on widely-used 9 document-level datasets in 7 language pairs, covering small-, middle-, and large-scales, and achieves a new state-of-the-art. Experimentation on discourse phenomena shows that our Doc2Doc NMT models improve the translation quality in both BLEU and discourse coherence. We make our code available on Github.
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A household robot should be able to navigate to target locations without requiring users to first annotate everything in their home. Current approaches to this object navigation challenge do not test on real robots and rely on expensive semantically labeled 3D meshes. In this work, our aim is an agent that builds self-supervised models of the world via exploration, the same as a child might. We propose an end-to-end self-supervised embodied agent that leverages exploration to train a semantic segmentation model of 3D objects, and uses those representations to learn an object navigation policy purely from self-labeled 3D meshes. The key insight is that embodied agents can leverage location consistency as a supervision signal - collecting images from different views/angles and applying contrastive learning to fine-tune a semantic segmentation model. In our experiments, we observe that our framework performs better than other self-supervised baselines and competitively with supervised baselines, in both simulation and when deployed in real houses.
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Transfer learning is a simple and powerful method that can be used to boost model performance of low-resource neural machine translation (NMT). Existing transfer learning methods for NMT are static, which simply transfer knowledge from a parent model to a child model once via parameter initialization. In this paper, we propose a novel transfer learning method for NMT, namely ConsistTL, which can continuously transfer knowledge from the parent model during the training of the child model. Specifically, for each training instance of the child model, ConsistTL constructs the semantically-equivalent instance for the parent model and encourages prediction consistency between the parent and child for this instance, which is equivalent to the child model learning each instance under the guidance of the parent model. Experimental results on five low-resource NMT tasks demonstrate that ConsistTL results in significant improvements over strong transfer learning baselines, with a gain up to 1.7 BLEU over the existing back-translation model on the widely-used WMT17 Turkish-English benchmark. Further analysis reveals that ConsistTL can improve the inference calibration of the child model. Code and scripts are freely available at
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Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) is usually done via sequence-level knowledge distillation (Seq-KD) from a full-sentence neural machine translation (NMT) model. However, there is still a significant performance gap between NMT and SiMT. In this work, we propose to leverage monolingual data to improve SiMT, which trains a SiMT student on the combination of bilingual data and external monolingual data distilled by Seq-KD. Preliminary experiments on En-Zh and En-Ja news domain corpora demonstrate that monolingual data can significantly improve translation quality (e.g., +3.15 BLEU on En-Zh). Inspired by the behavior of human simultaneous interpreters, we propose a novel monolingual sampling strategy for SiMT, considering both chunk length and monotonicity. Experimental results show that our sampling strategy consistently outperforms the random sampling strategy (and other conventional typical NMT monolingual sampling strategies) by avoiding the key problem of SiMT -- hallucination, and has better scalability. We achieve +0.72 BLEU improvements on average against random sampling on En-Zh and En-Ja. Data and codes can be found at
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Word alignment is to find translationally equivalent words between source and target sentences. Previous work has demonstrated that self-training can achieve competitive word alignment results. In this paper, we propose to use word alignments generated by a third-party word aligner to supervise the neural word alignment training. Specifically, source word and target word of each word pair aligned by the third-party aligner are trained to be close neighbors to each other in the contextualized embedding space when fine-tuning a pre-trained cross-lingual language model. Experiments on the benchmarks of various language pairs show that our approach can surprisingly do self-correction over the third-party supervision by finding more accurate word alignments and deleting wrong word alignments, leading to better performance than various third-party word aligners, including the currently best one. When we integrate all supervisions from various third-party aligners, we achieve state-of-the-art word alignment performances, with averagely more than two points lower alignment error rates than the best third-party aligner. We released our code at
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